Posts from November 2014

6 Items

The Mission of Jesus

by Joe Warrington

We are just a few days away from celebrating Thanksgiving and many will be busy preparing for this special occasion. The mission for many will be to prepare a delicious meal and to enjoy the family and friends gathering around the dinner table. Jesus also had a mission. On one of his visits to his […]


by Pat Finnegan

The word worship comes from the Old English weorthscipe which indicates worthiness or “worth-ship”. This is where I have personally derived my philosophy of musical worship, and worship in general, which I define as “ascribing a high degree of value or worth to someone or something.” In the context of worship related to God, my […]

Hymn Stories – “Abide With Me”

by Pat Finnegan

In God’s economy, things are often upside-down or backwards from what the temporal world holds to be true: the poor are rich, the last are first, the least are the greatest, and we are strongest when we are weak. Those who live in the kingdom of God understand that the most important aspects of worldly […]