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Every Sheep a Shepherd?

by Pat Finnegan

As we heard in Pastor Joe’s sermon on Sunday, we are all called to be shepherds of God’s sheep. We care for one another. We feed one another both physically and spiritually. We call each other back when we go astray. How does a good shepherd accomplish this when people are so much more complex than sheep? Let’s take a cue from John 10:14-15.

A True Panacea for Church Ills

by Pat Finnegan

The Disease Last week, while searching for articles on church health, I ran into an interesting post on the web. I didn’t catch the title at first, I just assumed it was about church health because that’s what I had searched for. However, the short excerpt shown by the search engine was describing a set […]

Hymn Stories – “O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing”

by Pat Finnegan

Of all the hymns of Charles Wesley, none speak to my own motivations and desires as does “O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing.” Like David, who regularly spoke of praising God “in the great assembly”, this hymn reminds me of the inadequacy of my single voice to worship our Lord as he deserves. We […]

The Mission of Jesus

by Joe Warrington

We are just a few days away from celebrating Thanksgiving and many will be busy preparing for this special occasion. The mission for many will be to prepare a delicious meal and to enjoy the family and friends gathering around the dinner table. Jesus also had a mission. On one of his visits to his […]

God’s Mission: Our Mission – Exodus 19:4-6; Rev. 5:9-10

by Joe Warrington

Introduction: This passage is pivotal in the book of Exodus. It is the hinge between chapters 1-18, describing God’s gracious initiative of redemption from slavery in Egypt, and chapters 20-40, which describe the making of the covenant, the giving of the law, and the building of the tabernacle. It is a combination of imperative (how […]