Devotional Illustrations

2130 of 53 items

Devotional Illustration – Witness

by Pat Finnegan

Charles Spurgeon, an English pastor and preacher of the 19th-century, wrote many sermons and books on a myriad of topics. His book Spiritual Revival the Want of the Church, addresses the want (lack) of true and deep revival in the lives of individual Christians as well as in the Church as a whole. In this […]

Devotional Illustration – Rebirth

by Pat Finnegan

Fourth-century preacher, John Chrystostom, in his sermon entitled Dead to Sin, shines a deeper light on Christian rebirth and baptism. John’s words call us to appropriate Christ’s resurrection as well as his death, and in this way to embrace more fully what it means to be born again. Do you believe that Christ was raised […]

Devotional Illustration – Devotion to God

by Pat Finnegan

French mystic and Christian writer, Madame Jeanne Guyon, was a contemporary of and sometimes co-author with François Fénelon in the late 17th- and early 18th-centuries. Madame Guyon, in her work, Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ, describes an ever-deepening relationship with Jesus. Since our Lord’s desire, she writes, is to have us know him, he […]

Devotional Illustration – Good Works

by Pat Finnegan

Sadhu Sundar Singh has been referred to as the St. Paul of India. Raised a devout Sikh Hindu, dedicated to becoming a Hindu Sadhu, or holy man, and strongly opposed to Christianity, Sundar was dramatically converted to Christianity and shared the gospel with the people of India. At one point, though physically ill and bed-ridden, […]

Devotional Illustration – Free Will

by Pat Finnegan

At the start of C.S. Lewis’ book, The Great Divorce, we see an omnibus stop and people who are choosing to take a ride from where they are (hell) to heaven, where they will be given a chance to submit to the will of God, to release their sinful desires and remain in paradise. In […]

Devotional Illustration – Free Will

by Pat Finnegan

In C.S. Lewis’ book, The Great Divorce, we encounter a well-dressed woman, one of the Ghosts, who, because of vanity, is afraid to make the decision to join the Solid People in heaven. In this illustration we see that, although we were created for life within the love and will of God, the choice is […]

Devotional Illustration – Hope of Heaven

by Pat Finnegan

Gerard Manley Hopkins, in his poem Heaven-Haven, longs for the lasting peace and rest of his heavenly destiny. Hopkins compares heaven to an eternal spring, a flowered field and a peaceful seaport. But mostly he describes heaven as a place devoid of pain (hail) and where life is never churned up by trials (storms – […]

Devotional Illustration – Discipline (Good Habits)

by Pat Finnegan

Twentieth-century missionary and writer, E. Stanley Jones, author of the book Conversion, entreats us to imitate our Lord in three vital actions that were habitual in his life. Creating opportunity for God to communicate to us from his Word, speaking with him and hearing his voice through prayer, and sharing what we learn from him […]

Devotional Illustration – Discipline

by Pat Finnegan

Discipline, whether well or poorly applied, can never be the cause of conversion or earn salvation for us. In this quote from Conversion, written by Christian missionary and writer E. Stanley Jones, we learn that surrender must precede our attempt to discipline our lives. While salvation cannot be attained by discipline around an unsurrendered self, […]

Devotional Illustration – Affection

by Pat Finnegan

Catherine di Giacomo di Benincasa of Sienna, Italy became a Dominican nun at the age of 18. Until her death at the age of 33, Catherine of Sienna lived a life marked by deep devotion to God. In these words from her work The Dialog, she concisely portrays how the things we choose to care […]